Muralists, aspiring muralists and any artist interested in doing client-based work: look no further than this episode with Roxy Prima and Phoebe Cornog of Pandr Design Co. and Ladies Who Paint. These women have been my go-to resource for murals since I discovered them (and I WISH I would’ve known about them when I first started with murals).
I really wanted to bring you a practical episode that got into the details of being a successful muralist and these ladies did not hold back one bit. We discussed getting your first mural, pricing, outreach, contracts, taking care of your body, the proper boots and equipment and SO much more. I love their perspectives on the abundance of work available in the mural world and their focus on empowering women muralists- so needed!
We talked about….
All about Ladies Who Paint and being women in the mural industry
How to get break into murals if you’re itching to start
The importance of outreach: finding who to email, how to present yourself and more
Normalizing 5 and 6 figure mural jobs
The biggest mistakes they’ve made and learned from in doing so many projects
Taking care of your body as a muralist: everything from equipment to proper shoes
What to consider in your pricing, and all about discussing rates
Much more!

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